Home Quran  12 Powerful Benefits of Recite Surah Falaq

 12 Powerful Benefits of Recite Surah Falaq

by Abru Farzeen
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The Virtues and Lessons of Surah Falaq (Arabic passage: الفلق)  Surah 113, “The Daybreak,” is a verse in the Qur’an. The five-verse poem has the English title “dawn” or “daybreak.” Its revelation-based sequence follows Surat Al-Fil, precisely between the start of revelation and the exodus to Abyssinia. Its placement in the Qur’an is such that it follows Surat Al-Ikhlas.

Meaning of Surah Falaq 

The term “Al-Falaq” often translated as “dawn,” symbolizes breaking through darkness into light, offering a broad scope of divine protection. This term extends beyond the literal dawn, representing a deep call for safety from all adversities under Allah’s safeguard. 

The phrase “I seek refuge in Allah of the dawn” calls for Allah’s safeguard against all forms of harm, acknowledging His power over all aspects of creation. Thus, “Al-Falaq” extends beyond daybreak, embodying a deep request for safety against every adversity.

Benefits of Surah Falaq

Surah Al-Falaq is a significant chapter of the Quran revealed to Prophet Muhammad (SAW) that embodies the essence of seeking protection and healing through divine means. Here’s a concise exploration of its profound benefits:

Healing from Severe Illnesses: 

Reciting Surah Al-Falaq, along with Surah An-Naas, is advised for individuals battling serious health conditions. It emphasizes seeking Allah’s refuge from the evils that may afflict one’s physical and mental well-being, including high fever, chronic diseases, and mental health issues like anxiety and depression.

Safeguarding Against Evil: 

These Surahs offer protection against various forms of evil, ranging from harmful creatures and natural disasters to the malevolence harbored in some humans and the unseen negative influences of technology.

Protection from the Unknown: 

The verses of Surah Al-Falaq extend a shield against dangers that lurk in the unseen, highlighting the significance of divine protection against hidden threats that emerge at night or through the deceitful actions of others.

Warding Off Sorcery: 

The Surah addresses the menace of black magic and sorcery, providing a spiritual fortification against those who engage in these dark practices to harm others.

Shielding from the Jinn and Evil Eye: 

Regular recitation of Surah Al-Falaq and Surah An-Naas serves as a powerful deterrent against the adverse effects of the evil eye and malevolent jinn, recognizing the protective grace bestowed by Allah.

Protection from Envy: 

The Surah teaches the importance of seeking refuge from the destructive force of envy, highlighting the tranquility found in divine sanctuary against the ill will of the envious.

Overcoming Negative Suggestions:

It aids in overcoming the whisperings and suggestions of evil that can lead to despair and deviance, promoting a mindset aligned with positivity and divine guidance.

Healing and Protection from Witchcraft: 

Surah Al-Falaq is renowned for its healing properties, especially as a means of safeguarding one’s well-being against the harms of witchcraft and providing solace during times of physical pain.

Relief from Distressing Dreams: 

To combat nightmares and sleep disturbances, the Surah, alongside other Quranic verses, offers spiritual relief and ensures peaceful sleep.

Comfort in Adverse Conditions: 

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) often recited this Surah during times of strong winds and darkness, teaching his followers to seek comfort and protection through its verses.

Ruqya Against Black Magic: 

The Surahs Al-Falaq and An-Naas hold a special place as a form of Ruqya, specifically for countering the effects of black magic, reinforcing their significance in spiritual healing practices.

Significance in Witr Prayer: 

The Prophet (PBUH) highlighted the unparalleled value of reciting these Surahs during the Witr prayer, emphasizing their importance in seeking closeness to Allah.


A minor Madani Surah, Al-Falaq, was revealed after Hijra. The profound meanings of isti’aza and Tawwakul are involved. As a ruqya and azkar, it is one of the best Quranic Surahs. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) recited it in cases of sickness, wind, darkness, and black magic, teaching Muslims to use it day and night to defend themselves from all ills.

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